The importance of quality content on your website

The importance of quality content on your website cannot be overstated. Good quality content is what will set your website apart from your competition.

We’ve all heard that phrase “content is king, “but do you really know what that means? If not, we are here to enlighten you.

Think Like a Search Engine

When considering content for your website, one of the most important things to consider is what will Google consider to be quality. Google is constantly upgrading their algorithms in an effort to enhance search results and make it friendlier and more relevant for the user.

Google will “crawl” your website and take in the content and from there it will decide its relevance accordingly. Its your job to make sure that your website is Google friendly and when it’s crawled, Google is able to understand exactly what you page is about.

Most importantly, your content needs to provide value to your customers. Do you know what your customers want to know? What are they searching for?

If you are unsure of the answer to these questions, there are a couple of things you can do to gain this knowledge:

-Ask! Come up with creative ways to ask your customers exactly what they want and are looking for from your business.

-Research where your customers are hanging out on social media and then join the conversation. This will help you to gain a better understanding of your customers while simultaneously building trust in your brand.

One of the best ways to provide value to your customers and answer some of their most commonly asked questions is to create blog posts about these topics. Blog posts that address answers to your customer’s questions will aid in boosting your SEO as well as build more trust with Google.

Content Must Haves

The following are the content must haves in order for your site to be successful and be trusted by Google:

-Quality: solid, well written content that shows authority

-Unique: your content should be completely unique and stand out from other similar content on the web.

-Relevant: your content should be directly related to the products or services that you offer. The rule “something is better than nothing” need not apply in the world of web content. If you don’t have anything relevant to write about, leave it off your website-it will only confuse Google and hurt your SEO efforts.

Keywords in Content

While keywords in SEO are a very important, they are not the most important aspect when it comes to content. You will definitely want to research the keywords that you want to rank for and incorporate them into your content, there is such a thing as overdoing it and hurting your sites’ SEO.

Over-optimization often occurs when content is “stuffed” with keywords in an attempt to trick Google. This is a dangerous route to take and can result in penalties to your website.

When it comes to the importance of quality content on your website, the most important aspect is providing value and relevance.